Wikipedia Trail from Yama to Greco-Roman Mystery Religions

This trail started by me reading a wonderful story called A Karmic Hero. the opening started by introducing me to .Yama, the God of Death. That sounded down right spooky, so I thought I would learn a bit more about him in my Wiki trail. Reading about the God of Death led me to an obscure religion that I have studied a bit on my own but never thought to check out the wiki page, Zoroastrianism. That led me to another topic I have been obsessed with for years. Again, I never looked at the wiki page to find topics about  Gnosticism.
"Iao", "Abraxas"/"Abrasax", and "Sabaoth"strange representation of the Greek alphabet.
Source:Nordisk familjebok (1904) vol.1 p.58 [1]

The Gnostic have been around for a long time. They influence our society in some very interesting ways. One can find some of their influence in the marketing world even still today. That led me to the Greco-Roman Mystery Traditions. This is a world full of mysteries just waiting to be rediscovered. I have only begun to scratch the surface of all the weird and fascinating things that can be found over here.


  1. Rhino, I am so glad I happened to notice your post. I am very interested in the old mysteries too, and I have just started a new project on alchemy for my own education: Alchemical Musings. My guess is that in this class you will really enjoy the videos and books by Devdutt Pattanaik; so, file that name away for future reference. I think you will like him! After you get going with the Ramayana, if you have any extra time, some of his videos are in the extra credit reading/watching list:
    Extra Credit Reading/Watching: Devdutt Pattanaik Videos


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