Look Back and Review

Look Back and Review. Look way back

I was a 30 year old man when I bought my first Jonny Cash CD. I was amazed at how much I enjoyed the music. No, it was not from "My Time" but rather a timeless piece of music that allowed me to enjoy it for what it was. I was more of a Nine Inch Nails kind of guy but when Jonny Cash remade the song Hurt, the reporter asked the lead for the heavy metal band what he thought about Jonny Cash remaking Trent Reznor's song, he said that after he saw the video of Jonny Cash Singing his song, it was no longer his. Below is a 3 minute video of Trent Highlighting Jonny's version of the song just after he died.

I love the diversity of all these tid bits of information are in these announcements. I get a real thrill from reading them. It seems to grow my creative side. That is a great feeling.


  1. Since I’ve already commented on your introduction and I’ve never tried out the “look back and review” option before, I thought I’d check out this post to see how it’s done—and I’m really glad I stumbled across this commentary video. What a great song, and what a powerful video. I couldn’t believe when I heard the Nine Inch Nails version on the radio and realized Cash’s video was technically a cover. Every time I see the trailer for Logan, I end up seeing Cash sitting at that piano instead. Thanks for posting about this, because it was really interesting to hear Reznor’s thoughts.


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