My Twitter strategy is mainly to try to connect with people from work and for educational purposes. I have always disliked Twitter because it never really seemed to be saying much (at least to me). Clearly, I should look a bit closer due to the publicity of the political stage, I have noticed that communication is very powerful on Twitter if you figure it out. So this is me, trying to figure it out. I have had a twitter for many years and never tweeted my first tweet till to today.
My Twitter strategy is mainly to try to connect with people from work and for educational purposes. I have always disliked Twitter because it never really seemed to be saying much (at least to me). Clearly, I should look a bit closer due to the publicity of the political stage, I have noticed that communication is very powerful on Twitter if you figure it out. So this is me, trying to figure it out. I have had a twitter for many years and never tweeted my first tweet till to today.
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