Reading Notes: The Krishna Key, Week 9, Part B

We meet Mataji. A peculiar woman that seems to be religious. She is clutching her prayer beads all the time. It makes me think that she is the one that was on the phone with the man that murdered Varshney earlier in the story. This is a great way to introduce a character. This is a similar thing that I am doing with my story. I like this enemy. She seems like a religious zealot. She is praying and explaining the reason she is interested in the Krishna Key.

                Om Shri Privthvi Rashasakaaya Namah, she
                One who is protector of the earth

Mataji says, “are you sure you want to know? Too much knowledge can be a curse at times, son”

Om shri Maangalya Daayakaaya Namah
            One who bestows purity

She decided to tell him why knowing what that means even after the driver said, “Only if you think it’s appropriate, Mataji”.

By: Salu1001

That makes her a religious zealot walking around thinking these meetings are purposeful and she is acting out some type of vengeance or she is a straight up sociopath and probably both at this point.

We learn more about Hinduism. As she chants prayers to her driver. She explains the power of Vish and Shiv. How they are opposing forces one is the power to create while the other is the power to destroy. We learn about the Shiv lingam

Seems that when she starts praying, somebody is about to get hurt.
