Growth Mindset, Multiple Inteligences

Try to figure out the words without using the internet like we used to do it.

Yellow Ledbetter
By: Perl Jam

You can see the words display in a video here after you give up.

Thinking about multiple intelligences. I have seen this to be pertinent to the class we are working through now. They are:
 linguistic, logical math, visual spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, Musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalist.

Using as many forms of communications as possible would seem to be my life long goal. As a kid, I was a jock. That led me to see the beauty of athletics and personal health. It also taught me to look for deeper meanings within the things we know. I loved music which led me to constantly break apart the words of the music and try to find meaning. Of course when I was listening to music, we did not have the internet so there was no way to know the words but to listen to them over and over and writing them sometimes would help. I sometimes go back and check out the words knowing the songs that were the trickiest. Like Pearl Jam’s “Yellow Ledbetter”. Early in college, I noticed that I had a hidden talent that I didn’t know I had. I love logical mathematics, who knew? I also picked up some great enjoyment from the interpersonal and Intrapersonal aspects of going to school networking and learning from mistakes. I enjoyed this because it reminds me I have so much more to learn and am looking forward to more growth.
