Famous Last
Words for Week Seven
By:Max Pixel
This week
has been a real eye opener for me in terms of how much I thought I knew and
what I really knew. First off, I notice that grammar is all fun and games when we
stay in a comfy little box. Technical writing has been all I focused on over the last few years and it has turned my writing passive. When you are trying to
communicate feeling and to manipulate the way your reader is feeling,
one needs more the tools in the tool box. I have been trying to take risks and
hopefully stretch myself. I had the privilege of following up on few great
stories this week with some of my peers. It is impressive to see how creative
everyone is being.
I noticed
that my new with way of thinking, my storytelling way of thinking, I have a new
tool to evaluate life through the day. Not a better way, but a new way. I am quite enjoying the writing. This is a surprise
because I haven’t felt the desire to do so in the past. I think it is fear that
has held me back. I am thankful for this class giving me the opportunity to
turn all that noise off in my head and just enjoy writing. I am learning that
the story really never gets perfected. I could always go in and adjust things,
but is it interesting in its current form. That has begun to be my new test. A
work unfinished but still pretty cool.
I have known from my early years that I love reading a great book. College gave me the gift of enjoying Philosophy. I have gone a bit off the deep end in metaphysics, ethics, and oh yes politics. Psychology, which in my mind is just the observation of people reacting to stimuli. One of my favorite past professor's research was directed toward reading fiction and how that effects change in us. I am passionate about what makes people do what they do.
Reading fiction, gives us heroes and villains showing us their experience. We can gain a moral lessons to help guide us on what and what not to do.The way one can use words to inspire anything from love to war. I have always viewed it as an art that was outside of my grasp. Perhaps it is not a gift with which one is born. Rather a skill practiced? I'll keep you in the loop Dear Reader, stay tuned for next weeks experimentation.
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