Week 8 Reflections

Week 8 Class Reflection

I am loving this class so far. I have overloaded myself this semester but I refuse to let it keep me from having a deeply meaningful experience in this class. I think I have made good choices so far. I know that I am learning so much so fast. I think I have enjoyed learning about Hinduism the most. I have had a fascination with Vishnu for years but have found the topic very difficult to find the best place to start. I don’t think I know the answer to that any more than I ever did before but, I am definitely closer and I am beginning to understand how to approach the culture a bit better. I think that is awesome. I just changed up my time frames to read, and think it is working better. I will have to let you know how it turns out.
I suppose I have not been doing the reading notes exactly the way the assignment asks you to do it. I read too much and stopped myself from getting a few points one week but I am finding it easy to transform my notes to stories. That is a good sign I think. Yes I think about my writing when I read the stories and frankly, I am thinking about writing stories all the time now. I see a person do something in my day-to-day and think about a story. I kinda like that too. I have already picked out the next read for me. I forget the title, but evidently, it is a “Divinci Code” type story involving the epics.

I am very pleased but not satisfied with my stories yet. When I have a problem in the story, I turn to my characters and ask them what they would do in this situation. Sometimes I will do the opposite of what they say they would do. I think that will give the reader a better show.
I have too many story ideas to count. I won’t have time to get them all out in this class. I could spend a year on the material we have already read. The skills I would like to master, are creativity, grammar, style. I will reach out to Professor Gibbs if I get into a bind.

I most admire smooth flow in a story, the use of imagery, what do they look like, what are they doing, facial features, and setting. Some stories just don’t have the “it” factor. I can’t put my finger on it, but they just don’t get me interested. Strong start is a must, but don’t forget to leave them begging for more. Sometimes I am not that great at feedback, but I think as I learn more, I am getting better.
