Portfolio, Week Eleven, The Journey's Pit Stop


“I believe you said, 'We are not real,' Right? Guards, rip this creature’s soul into one hundred and eight equal pieces. Then, toss him into the pit!” A loud voice chuckled in the darkness.

With tear-soaked sobs, the man squealed, “Please, I don't understand.”

Two enormous flaming eyes appeared in the darkness. Flames burst through the floors. The heat encircled the doomed man on all sides. “Please, I don't understand”, scornfully mocked the voice in a childlike tone. The flaming eyes laughing sneered, “We've never heard that before. You know why We came.” 

File:11 Worship of the Trident, the Symbol of Shiva. Jaipur. 1775-1800, Private Collection.jpg

By: Anonimus

Smoke escaping their teeth, fire dogs emerged in the flames on all sides of him.

“Make your appeal,” said the voice.

The eyes closed, extinguishing the flames surrounding the crying man. Then, the silent darkness engulfed him. 

A Life Worth Living

My job is Security Driver for Mataji Ratnani. Yeah, she enjoyed living this kind of life. A petite beautiful woman with dark hair, dark eyes, and a dark soul. She’s the kind of lady that men desire. She never fooled me, though. I heard all the stories about her insatiable lust for murder. 

A religious zealot to the core, she enjoyed taking life. She felt like those that she extinguished were deserving the wrath of God's weapon. Still, I wanted her to like me.

She was heading places in the syndicate, but didn’t even know my name. She never looked at me, not once in two years. She looked away when she spoke to me. Distracted, like I wasn’t there, she stared out the window and gave me another assignment.

 Image result for shiv

By:Bhavesh Katira

I played small parts in her dramas, but never caught her attention. Until the day I brought her the recording.

She had me watching a couple eggheads from the university. Looking at them, you could just tell, neither knew how to fight for something they wanted. I approached in my car with the word Taxi written on the side. One of them whistled, “Hey Cabbie!“

The Drive

They were talking about religion. Unable to speak nerd, I recorded it on my phone. I was afraid to tell her, but I had still learned nothing. As I was working on a good alibi, the phone rang.

Sounding casual, I said, ”Hey Mataji.”

The aloof voice asked, “What are they doing?”

“I got nothing from them… They kept talking about Krishna...”

She interrupted loudly, “Tell me what they said!" She was breathing heavily on the line.

“I have a recording of…”

She screamed, “Bring it to me, now,” and hung up!

With eyebrows raised and mouth wide open, I put down the phone. “Whatever, it’s not my fault. What was I supposed to do?” I thought.

She was waiting at the curb. “Great, here we go." I rolled my eyes.

Looking at the ground, she listened to the phone. Phone still on her ear, she pointed her beautiful cold eyes at me. A euphoric wild-eyed smile overtook her face.

My heart fluttered. "She finally saw me." I thought. 

Half-grinning back at her, I asked, "It's good?"

“Yes, good work!”

As she turned, I jokingly condescended, “You really believe that religious stuff?” Her eyes got wide and anger dragged her eyebrows down over a frown. She pulled the prayer beads from her pocket. Watching her rubbing them, I immediately regretted my words.

With a trance-like voice, she whispered, ”Om Shri Prithvi Raskshakaya Namah. (One who is protector of the earth).”

Her indignant angry face transformed into a cheerful smile. “Sure you want to know? Too much knowledge is a curse,” she cautioned.

“Well yeah, if you don’t mind…or if that is okay with…. if you think it’s appropriate, I mean”, I stuttered.

“Did you know that Vishnu operates using the power to protect? We call this power Vish.”

“Well yes, I grew up Hindu and….”

She interrupted me with a chant. Rolling the next bead between her fingers, she slowly approached me like a hungry feline stalking her next meal.

Her beautiful smile drained, leaving nothing but numb apathy on her perfectly proportioned face.

Maintaining the dull hollow monotone voice, she said, “The opposing force used by Shiva is known as Shiv.”

Standing nose to nose with me, her perfume filled my senses. “Om Shri Munistutaaya Namah, (the one who is praised by sages and seers).Vish and Shiv are two sides of the same coin”. 

Hypnotized by fear and attraction, I almost closed my eyes. I felt the chill in her seductive cool hand touch my face. She leaned in to kiss me; just before our lips touched, she turned with a lover's tone and whispered in my ear, "Om Shri Mukta Sanchaarakaaya Namah. (the one who wanders freely from place to place)."

Confused and disoriented, I fell. I couldn’t breathe. Blood covering us both, she pulled back her sleeve to expose a tattoo of a trident on her forearm. Then she stuffed a short dagger under her blouse sleeve.

Image result for Destroyer of worlds

By: Dom Pates

She knelt down and stared into my eyes saying, “I am become time to end the world, set on my course to destroy the universe.”

Swift Judgment

“Wait, a trident.....are you the voice from the blog? I thought it was just a story....”

The eyes opened and the flames returned. The deep laughing voice said, “We have indulged this long enough. Thank you for explaining that to me. Dogs! Throw him into the Pit!” Instantly, the driver disappeared.

*The eyes on the page turn toward the reader of the blog.


"Traveler, danger is real on this gateway blog. Don't make the same mistake as this pitiful creature. Don’t lie to yourself, cowards will suffer this fate.

Usually, We save travel to Neveremember for more experience; however, One of our avatars decided to put an end to the insolence. Also, we wanted to see you use your new gift of sight." 

"Knowing we can hear your thoughts, are you still telling yourself this is just another story?"

Author's note: 

I had the Krishna Key in mind. An exciting way to learn about Hinduism, I used the audio book to help understand accents and pronunciations.
The scene is the villain and one of her minions, Taarak. I wanted Mataji to be sensual and scary. It makes a great story to have two opposing elements complementing each other. The author tried writing her as a love interest for the hero. My scarier version added crazy to the villain.

One of the egg-heads was a main character. The university professor was trying to beat Mataji and Taarak to the Philosopher’s Stone. Taarak was in danger of being killed by Mataji if he proved negligent. 

Mataji kept saying prayers in her head in the story, but It seems creepier with her chanting them aloud.

I like writing about the supernatural, so I wrote in more about the Gods running this blog. I introduced the taxi driver was just another previous blog reader, but didn’t want to hand that over without the cryptic element. I wanted this to be different, but keep with the
portfolio theme.


The Krishna Key by:  Ashwin Sanghi

Bhagadav Gita: Public Domain
